24 05, 2021

What has COVID-19 taught us when it comes to strategic planning?

By |2021-05-24T16:16:35+01:00May 24th, 2021|Strategy, Business owner, Covid-19, Effective change, Executive Director, Executives, Leadership, Strategic planning|1 Comment

So what has COVID-19 taught us when it comes to strategic planning? COVID-19 has no doubt changed a lot of elements of our lives and our businesses. One of the big ones is strategic planning for businesses. As a business growth consultant working with many successful clients, I have seen how COVID-19 has highlighted the importance of being nimble, able to [...]

3 06, 2020

How to build an award winning customer centric experience.

By |2020-06-30T12:42:19+01:00June 3rd, 2020|Customer centric, Award winning, challenging times, Connecting, Covid-19, Customer care, Customer centric organisations, Customer experience, Customers, Disc, Leadership, Leading, Leading change in challenging times, Leading effective change, Listening|0 Comments

Building an award winning customer centric experience was at the very heart of the many companies I judged at the UK Business Awards in London and the International Business Awards in Amsterdam, I had the privilege and opportunity to learn from so many companies. My lane of responsibility as I chaired the judges was on customer centric organisations. Therefore, I want [...]

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