• If you want to be an effective leader, start with a clear understanding of who you are! The complete Keep Thinking Big Leadership Personality Profile includes the supporting features below to create a clear road map for leading - and living - with clear vision. It includes:
    • Understanding your personality style
    • Motivational Characteristics of your behavioral style
    • Communication DOs and DONTs
    • PowerDISC – discover your strengths
    • Action Plan – to improve interpersonal skills
    Keep Thinking Big truly believes in the power of these profiles to aid in self-awareness and really recognize what plays into your strengths.  Additionally you'll learn how to stay motivated and rise to your best success.
  • There is power in collaboration and connection - understanding the personality styles of your team ensures that each member can work in their strengths and compliment each other.  Ultimately, you are looking to "complete, not compete."  The Teams Management Assessment is a powerful tool to provide this. The complete Keep Thinking Big Teams Management Assessment includes the supporting features below to create a clear road map for effective teamwork with clear vision. It includes:
    • Understanding your personality style
    • Motivational Characteristics of your behavioral style
    • Communication DOs and DONTs
    • Teams Analysis - are you an executer, theorist, analyzer, strategist or manager?
    • Values Assessment - loyalty, equality, personal freedom and justice - where do you rank?
    • PowerDISC – discover your strengths
    • Action Plan – to improve interpersonal skills
  • Here at Keep Thinking Big, we believe the term "ABC" should switch from "always be selling" to "always be connecting".  When Tony speaks in workshops and presentations, he addresses the importance of sales success through the power of connecting with others.    Why do we spend so much time on sales? No matter what business you are in, we are ALL selling something. Even in your personal relationships, understanding a person works in deepening connections, as you are relating with the other person and identifying their needs before moving forward with your own agenda.  The more you can identify their specific need, the more you are able to sell in a way that truly serves them. The information in our Sales Style Report is designed to help you become a better salesperson. By understanding your inherent selling style you will be better able to communicate, motivate, persuade and ultimately close more deals, move more product or sell more services.  On top of that, it helps you understand how to sell to the different personality styles so you really are able to identify and connect with them.


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