Win or Lose?

We live in a world, where we look for instant returns, a quick fix etc. However, character is often formed as we grow through difficult times. We can have victories over difficulties, but they don’t always come with a cheap price tag!

We should aim in life to be overcomers and not victims of our circumstances. However, this is not automatic, it does not happen overnight, or by thinking and pondering about it.

We have to take action and  review our actions. Life is often made up not just by our actions but by our reactions to circumstances.

What actions could you take now, to gain a victory in a challenging area in your life?

I have found that it is so easy to respond in a wrong way, particularly through frustration or being tired.

However,  I have also observed, that when you take a step back, to have time to review a situation, you can often make a positive decision. You can gain a victory over a temptation or a circumstance, BUT – it is a choice.

‘There are no victories at bargain prices‘ as General Dwight D Eisenhower said.  Victories are won, by action and determination. As we gain more and more victories in our lives, we can really enjoy being a winner.

Take action today to see victory for tomorrow.

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